
Good corporate governance is a key component of the Company’s values and we strive to adhere to best practices. Corporate governance refers to the oversight mechanisms and the way in which Loma Negra is governed and encompasses our processes and policies, how decisions are made, and how the Company handles the various interests of, and relationships with, our many stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, employees and the broader community.

The NYSE rules require domestic listed companies to adopt and disclose corporate governance guidelines that cover certain minimum specified subjects related to director qualifications and responsibilities. Argentine law does not require the adoption or disclosure of corporate governance guidelines. The rules of the Argentine Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional de Valores or CNV) contain recommended guidelines for listed companies referred to as Code of Corporate Governance and the board of directors must describe the level of compliance with the guidelines and recommendations in such Code of Corporate Governance in its annual report.

Ethical Line

Our commitment to honesty, fairness and objectivity are our guiding principles and ensure we maintain the trust of our shareholders and employees. LOMA NEGRA has a whistleblower policy and reporting tool which enables employees, or anyone else, who has credible information on illegal practices or violations of Company policies to report these actions anonymously.

To access the reporting channel, click here.

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